A spacious Library is a covered area of approx. 5000 Sq. feet has been established which consists of lending and reference portions. Library is fully Air-Conditioned and more than 7000 books on different subjects are available. In addition to books more than 200 Bounded Journals and more than 2000 on line Journals are available. The Books and Journals have been catalogued and arranged subject wise in cabinets. A separate Library has also been established in G.T.T.H. Library is headed by a qualified Librarian assisted by other supporting staff.
Library Rules & Regulations
The following policy for lending books was approved unanimously.
a. Journals / Serials will not be issued to anyone.
b. Professor and associate professor can have a maximum of five text and related text books at any time and for a period of two weeks. Only one reference book will be issued for one week
c. A maximum of three text and related text books can be issued at any time for two weeks to assistant professor, demonstrators and students. Assistant professor can have one reference book for a period of one week. Demonstrators and students are not entitled to borrow reference books for use outside the library.
d. Borrowed book will be reissued only once.
e. Fine @ Rs. 2/= will be charged per day per book after the expiry of due date
f. Any repairable damage to the issued book/s will be got done at the expense of the borrower. For irreparable loss, replacement of book will be required.
g. Library membership is compulsory for all admitted student.
Medical staff of the affiliated hospitals are welcome to avail the borrowing facility after becoming members of the library