Launching Ceremony of JAFMDC

Launching ceremony of journal of Aziz Fatimah Medical and Dental College was held on30thApril 2019 at college auditorium.The inaugural session began at 10:30 am with the arrival of Chief Guest Dr. Prof Sarfraz Muhammad Saifi and the other guests. It began with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by Naat and welcome addressed by the worthy Principal Maj. Gen. (R) Prof. Dr. Hamid Shafiq HI (M).

Dr.Shireen Jawed Editor JAFMDCexpressed her views about the process of launching of the Journal. During her presentation she shared about the journalโ€™s back ground,objectives, policies , future affiliation , indexing and future perspectives of JAFMDC and editorial board. She assured that the journal would be recognized by PMDC and HEC in due timeand for this purpose,all polices are as accordance to PMDC, HEC, and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) andby committeeon publication ethics (COPE)guidelines.JAFMDC is a biannual, open access and double blind peer reviewed journal.She emphasized on the critical and unbiased peer review process for the provision of high quality and standard manuscripts. Peer reviewers play a pivotal and critical part in the review process and ensuring the integrity of the scholarly record. For the provision of the high quality and standard articles, peer review is far the best practice and most important procedure to hunt problems in and contribute suggestions to manuscripts.

Dr.Shireen further added that peer reviewer should be aware of ethical obligations recommended by COPE and review article with responsibility and unbiased. She also emphasized that the authorship should be limited to those who made significant contribution according to criteria defined by ICMJE. She stated that the gifted authorship is unethical and unacceptable.The authors, reviewers and editors should not have potential conflict of interests.If any participant have conflict of interest, it must me disclose.

Talking about plagiarism, Dr. Shireenstressedupon the originality of themanuscript and avoidance of be plagiarism.She mentioned that the article with similarity index < 19 % will be considered for the publication.In last she described the whole editorial processing in detail. Dr. Farah Amir Ali associate editor described the open journal systemand its importance.

Virtual launching of journal online was done by worthy chief guest after the introduction to Open Journal Management System. The Chief Guest appreciated the efforts of the team in launching this medical journal and highlighted the importance of research in medical institutes.The launching ceremony was ended with vote of thanks by the Prof. Dr. ZahidIqbal.