Department Of Forensic Medicine Organized “Certificate Course on Computer Basic Skills” in Collaboration with I.T. Department & Department Of Medical Education from 28th October 2019 to 1st November 2019 for the non-teaching staff of Aziz Fatimah Medical & Dental College Faisalabad.
Associate Professor/HOD Forensic Medicine Dr Khurram Sohail Raja inaugurated the course highlighting the objectives of the program.
On Day 1, HOD I.T. Department Mr. Umer Saleem introduced computer and parts of the computer to the participants. He sensitized the participants on hardware, operating systems, applications & the details related to them. Incharge Medical Education, Dr Noor-i-Kiran and her team remained present for collaboration & support from Department of medical education.
Day -2 covered various commands of MS-word & was declared as highly beneficial by Dr. Noor-e-kiran, Incharge Department of medical education. Incharge I.T. department Mr. Umar very comprehensively presented & displayed various commands of Microsoft office application, MS-Word, including “All commands”, “Speak”, “Hyperlink”, “Insertion of Tables, numbers, tabs & other utilities”, “Header & footer” & all the other normal commands that makes the document more sophisticated & easy to manage & structure. Participants showed particular interest in the display & had a practice session of 30 minutes after the presentation. Dr Noor-i-Kiran & Miss Nazia attended the session & appreciated the proceedings from DME.
“Hands on workshop will enhance the skills & expertise of the participants”, commented Associate Professor Dr Khurram Sohail Raja.

DAY-3 witnessed a visit of Principal AFMDC, Prof Noor Akbar Sial, to the workshop to observe the proceedings who said that the course is “Impressive attendance & submissions of assignments makes the training session very effective & beneficial”.30 October, 2019, resulted in another important day in the training workshop when Facilitator & Incharge I.T. Department Umer Saleem presented & educated the participants on Microsoft Excel. Coordinators of the session Associate Professor Dr Khurram Sohail Raja & Incharge Department of Medical Education Dr Noor-e-Kiran attended the session & welcomed Principal AFMDC Prof Dr Noor Akbar Sial who came to observe the proceedings.
Participants were interested & motivated to learn “Freeze”, “Auto-fill”, “Flash-fill”, “Merge”, “Sorting” & other important commands of Microsoft Excel. The important point of the session was the submissions of regular assignments by the participants which would make them eligible for receiving an attendance certificate of the workshop.

DAY-4 covered all details on making an excellent power point presentation as Dr Khurram Sohail Raja emphasized that “Modern era Power Point presentations are simple, black & white contrast & without loaded transitions & animations” 31 October, 2019, covered detailed awareness on making comprehensive power point presentations. Mr. Muhammad Ijaz from I.T. Department & HOD Forensic Medicine Dr Khurram Sohail Raja facilitated the proceedings. Participants were interested & motivated to learn slides, pictures, videos, sounds, graphs & tables insertions, how to fascinate our presentations with animations & various transitions. The participants were advised to complete their assignments & submit them well in time so their names could be included in certificate awards list.

On the last day, a certificate ceremony was organized and certificates were distributed to the particpants who hadattended the course and submitted assignments. Worthy Principal Prof. Dr.Noor Akbar Sial emphasized the importance of technology in workplace and also appreciated the effort of Dr.Khurrum Sohail (HOD Forensic Medicine), Mr. Umer Saleem (HOD IT), Dr.Noor-i-Kiran (Assistant Professor DME), and team for conducting such a informatics courses and advised to continue in future.